The AMT Backup is pocket pistol which was manufactured from the late 1970s to 2001. Ownership changed hands a few times, with the pictured gun manufactured by Arcadia Machine & Tool (AMT). Various calibers were available, with the .380 ACP being the most plentiful. The pistol at its introduction was dubbed “the smallest, most powerful” backup weapon available, which referred to the .45 ACP caliber version.
While the all-steel construction adds weight (18 ounces empty) when carrying, it also reduces recoil, which is especially desirable for larger calibers. At only 5″ in length this is an easily concealable weapon.
Some have found these pistols to be finicky, but if you keep it clean, well-oiled, and use FMJ ammo, you will likely not have an issue.
DAO action and no safety, but a long trigger pull. 5-round mag.
These can be found on the used market for under $500. A good value for an American, well-made pocket pistol.