Category: Best Handgun For Concealed Carry
Rock Island Armory (RIA) 1911
1911-style pistols run the gambit of incredibly expensive and reliable to incredibly cheap with spotty…
Taurus Pt 111 Pro
Taurus made their name making copies of Smith and Wesson’s more famous revolvers, and selling…
Springfield XD-9 Sub-Compact
The Springfield XD-9 Sub-Compact is a 9mm polymer handgun. From the factory, it comes in…
North American Arms Mini Revolver
The North American Arms (NAA) Mini Revolver is a small revolver constructed entirely from stainless…
Smith & Wesson J-Frame Revolver
Smith & Wesson is one of the oldest manufacturers of firearms in the United States….
Ruger LCP
The Ruger LCP (Lightweight Compact Pistol) is a “pocket pistol” chambered in 380 ACP. This…
Smith & Wesson M&P (Military & Police)
The Smith & Wesson M&P (Military & Police) series is the latest evolution of the…
Springfield Armory XD (Xtreme Defense)
Springfield Armory’s XD series of pistols is based on the polymer framed, striker fired Croatian…