Heritage Rough Rider
If you took a poll of gun enthusiasts about what sparked their interest you’d hear…
Smith & Wesson 629
The Smith & Wesson model 629 .44 Magnum is the large “N-frame” revolver from S&W…
Rock Island Armory (RIA) 1911
1911-style pistols run the gambit of incredibly expensive and reliable to incredibly cheap with spotty…
Ruger New Vaquero
Ruger has been making the Vaquero revolver for decades. The Vaquero is modeled after the…
Taurus Pt 111 Pro
Taurus made their name making copies of Smith and Wesson’s more famous revolvers, and selling…
Walther P22
The Walther P22 is a .22 caliber polymer semi-automatic handgun. The factory box contains the gun,…