The Rossi M68 is a 5-shot, 38-caliber revolver and designed to be a small and easy to conceal piece. Rossi Firearms have a good reputation with a very affordable price tag. The little Rossi is a great example of the classic .38 design.
The M68 is a champ, it digests even the cheapest ammo without any loss in accuracy. The weapon is lightweight and very easy to carry. The short 2.5-inch barrel means it’s also easy to draw. The large front sight is built for quick acquisition of close-range, large targets, i.e. a bad guy’s torso.
The double-action trigger pull is heavy, but is very smooth. The single-action is very light and nice. The grips are small, but comfortable enough that you don’t need a grip adapter, unless you have extremely large hands. The cylinder locks up nice and tight, and hammer features a large and easy to use thumb catch. The cylinder latch is also large and round and very easy to engage.
The price tag on these revolvers is often under $300 and in fact you can pick up an older model for under a hundred bucks. The low price does not mean low quality – this particular ancient Rossi has never had issues. She ain’t pretty, but she shoots when she needs to!